Tomorrow's Technology Today
Optical Sensing Solutions, IoT

ChM4 Inc.

.Cloud Hosting Services
ChM4® and Cloud Connections unique software offers services for IoT (internet of things) application for interaction to any type of infrastructure need. This is critical to our smart cities of today and in the future. The Cloud and server platforms are Microsoft Enterprise SQL with a Visual Studio front end software IntelliOptics® and Intelli-Insight® machine learning to monitor sensing systems. This software can assist in maintenance issues as super structures ages is critical for our Smart Cities. The ability to interact with Autonomous transportation or other types of AI of our future is a new challenge and are ready to deploy systems to assist a variety of clients and the public in real time. Review below and project samples of IntelliOptics® at work.
Software Partner
ChM4® has a long standing partnership with Cloud Connections with a common board of directors. We have developed software since 2007 as a team expanding into todays demand for intelligent data processing. The IntelliOptics® and Intelli-Insight® analytical software is compatible with all sensor types and inter-phase with smart devices. We have designed Azure, Amazon and Google cloud based systems streaming information from sensing applications to customized client websites. The cloud based virtual systems has hot swap capabilities for redundancy purposes is critical. In today's world IoT (Internet of Things). This is essential especially in the sensing world around us and understanding how the newest technologies will communicate with each other. AI/machine learning is key to our needs of today and in the future.
Abebaw (Abel) Zeleke Cloud Connections Owner. IBM Watson Analytics award 2017 click here

.Capabilities and Customization
IntelliOptics® and Intelli-Insight® platform to monitor all types of health monitoring systems in a broad spectrum. We do lot limit the customers to one standard look and is customized to match the need of the application. The system produces quarterly, weekly reports with a 4 level alert system that is tailored according to customer driven protocol requirement. Our software is compatible with all technologies where we currently host hybrid systems that are used in several industries and invite you to review some of our projects. Software is the key to any projects success whether its existing or new applications makes it powerful, and easy to configure. It's important not to be locked down to one design and this system is easy to customize, economical compared to other systems currently offered by other cloud services to monitor our infrastructure.

ChM4 Software Design Examples
.Applications: Infrastructure, GEO/Civil, Autonomous vehicles, Industrial Manufacturing, Robotics, Aerospace, Military, Energy, and Medical the list goes on. We are adding applications every year in a continuous growth pattern.

Modile Apps for the Apple, Android and Desk Top Monitoring